Embracing The Word goes farther than teaching you how to read the Bible; it unlocks the secrets to receiving what scripture says wholeheartedly in a way that transforms your life and brings you into a more intimate relationship with God. 

What do you get.... 
✔  Lifetime Instant Access to All the Things
✔  30 Lessons on Embracing the Word
✔   Video Teachings
✔   18+ Printable Resources
✔   Live Support 
✔   Access to a Community of Fellow Believers

Embracing the Word

Work at  Your Own Pace ! 

This Is Right  For You If.... 

✔ If you want to build a faith life better than you ever imagined possible! 
✔ You desperately want to have a more intimate relationship with God! 
✔ You desire to not only know The Word but understand it and know how it applies to your life! 
✔ You want to experience the transforming work that only comes from spending time in the Word! 

Get Lifetime Instant Access to All of these lessons PLUS
18+ Resources to print off and use as often as you like! 

Bonus Resources

Grace In The Growth 
Shut Down Discouragement ASAP 
Stay Curious
Accountability Is A Big Deal 
Stand Firm 
God's Got You 

Module 5: Growth & Commitment 

Why Applying The Word Matters 
Application = Obedience 
Persistence in Planning to Obey
Aligning To God's Best
Aligning With Confidence  

Module 4: Application & Alignment

Opening The Word 
Finding Context & Using It 
Using Resources For Depth
Word Studies 
Letting The Holy Spirit Speak
Embracing The Word

Module 3: Reading & Embracing

Talking With God
Come As You Are 
Expecting A Response
Really Get To Know God 
What Does God's Voice Sound Like? 
Discerning What God Says

Module 2: Conversations & Discernment 

Why Are You Here? 
Where To Start?
The Simplicity Of It All 
Agreeing With & Anticipating The Truth 
What It Looks Like 
Taking The First Steps 

Module 1: Approach & Anticipation 

This Course Includes....

Get it Now

available march 24th

✔  To read the Bible & experience lasting transformation! 
✔  To find time in their busy days to spend with God & make it count!
✔  Simple habits that add up to massive change in their relationship with Christ! 
✔  To hear God's voice clearly!
✔  To understand what the Word says without someone else interpreting it for them!
✔  To feel equipped enough to apply scripture to their life!
✔  Consistency in their relationship with God!
✔   A clear guide on how to read the word of God! 
✔  To have access to others going through the same things they are! 
✔   To have a life that looks like Jesus!

Who is Embracing the Word  for? 

Women who want... 

A faith that stands the test of time even in this ever changing chaotic world we live in.

Confidence in your knowledge of the Word and the courage to apply it to your life in a world that may not understand. 

The freedom to be who God created you to be and live victoriously through the abundant life God promises!

Consistent time spent in the Bible, having that sacred time set aside and knowing what to do once you get there.

Having simple habits put in place that equip you with everything you need to experience lasting transformation.

The Results 

What  Results Can I Expect ?

What Do I Have to Look Forward To? 

What  Does Embrace Even Mean? 

It Means To.....
✔ Receive Something Wholeheartedly   ✔ To Seize Hold Of
✔ Press Up Against                                 ✔ To Drink Up 
✔ Hold Tightly To                                  ✔ To Hem Into Oneself
✔ Entwine Oneself With                         ✔ To Fully Accept

Start Now

Understanding how to embrace the word is not just for the "elite" Christians. Anyone anywhere can embrace God in new ways! There is no limit to who can be in an intimate relationship with God. He welcomes all who love & accept his free gift of salvation! 

You were created with all the skills needed to draw you near to the Lord and receive what he has waiting for you in scripture wholeheartedly .... what this course does is help you recognize those skills, sharpen them and use them on a daily basis. 

You have the ability to be in an intimate relationship with the Lord... let me teach you how to use those natural born gifts to experience it in a whole new way! 

What are people saying?  

"Absolutely, I would recommend this course to others. For someone new to their faith or looking for new ways to get into the Word more consistently like I was, this course would be a huge help." 
-A. Jubril 

Being in God's word is where you will find me daily... Bibles, commentaries... resources & notebooks everywhere! 

I'm all about comfort and being authentically me. I love unearthing the meanings of scripture put there all those years ago by our Almighty God! 

I'm a firm believer in easy mornings, soaking up every second of a sunset, spontaneous adventures with the kids and heart-to-heart conversations with friends. 

My faith is the bedrock of my life and business. I'm a truth seeker and when I discover something mind blowing in scripture you're sure to hear about it. I share the good news of Jesus Christ because I want you to know just how life changing taking your relationship with him to the next level can be.

Believer, wife, mom of two ,
Respiratory Therapist, 
Christian Podcaster & Teacher

Meet your teacher